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of the sales funnel

It is based on maximizing the three most important processes for generating sales for a business: prospecting, facilitating the purchase and post-sale.

Analyzing for its optimization the marketing area and the commercial area, being the main responsible for activating the productive apparatus of the organization.

Our proposal seeks to incorporate methodologies and tools adapted to your type of business to seek to streamline the processes that will lead you to increase your income.


Facilitation of the purchase


Marketing Area



Sales cycle optimization will allow you to answer the following questions...

  • What is the number of new weekly prospects that are captured by my company?

  • What segmentation and organization of leads, sales opportunities and tasks does my organization have daily, weekly, monthly and/or annually?

  • How much does my company improve in the conversion processes and customer service?

  • What is the commercial projection by product / service of my organization vs. what was executed in the conversion?

Service Phases

The ultimate goal is to make the marketing and commercial team work as one, aligning and pursuing the same conversion goals.

The service includes a final report where opportunities for additional improvements are determined inside or outside the sales funnel and suggestions for technological tools and training of human talent that support and facilitate the operation of the commercial area.



Our mission is to be a reference extension for our clients in the commercial area, optimizing their business processes through advice, technology and professional training.  

For each strategic consultancy we assign a leader with solid training and experience in the sector to be agreed , who, together with a project manager and an operational team, guarantee the success of each project.

In our methodology we apply opportunities for business digitalization , market research techniques that guarantee the accuracy and modernity of the information, in addition to naturally incorporating the transmission of knowledge and training to the sales team in the necessary skills or competencies.

Benefits of Commercial Excellence consulting

The implementation of CRM and the optimization of the sales cycle pursue common objectives that will lead our clients to obtain tangible benefits for both the company and the sales team.

For the company

Greater order and control

  • Centralize customer information and management

  • segment customers

  • Measure key indicators in real time

  • Orchestrate the sales cycle with the other areas involved in the process

Higher profitability and

information for decision making

For the sales force

Efficiency and Ease 
for closures

  • Reduce time in operational tasks and transfers

  • Interact better with your Clients and teams

  • Increase productivity and decrease

Attract, retain customers
and increase
  your consumption

Do you want to know the technological tools that will speed up your business?

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Zoho Partner

At Hyggelink we partner with Zoho Corporation, one of the leading companies creating business software in the cloud, to enhance the strategic growth of all areas of business

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